Congratulations Graduates. Now the Work Begins!
Congrats to the graduates! Now is the time to make the world a better place. You are the future, the changemakers. With you vision and determination, we can prioritize mental health, make the workplace more inclusive and promote autism acceptance.

3 ways to support neurodiversity in the workplace
Exploring 3 ways to support neurodiversity in the workplace. These include training, accommodations and flexibility and inclusive policies and practices.

The game of clue office edition - all neurotypes welcome!
Non verbal cues can be hard for anyone to interpret, but they can be extremely difficult if you are on the autism spectrum and struggle with social cues. Clear and direct communication with autistic individuals will benefit them in the workplace.

Disney does it right
Disney knows how to make accommodations that allow individuals on the spectrum to enjoy a day at the park. Let’s take a lesson from them when it comes to accommodations.

What I worry about…
A nana’s worry about her granddaughter with autism entering the workforce. Will she be discriminated against for having autism? Will she even be able to get through the interview process?