What if he's Autistic but he Doesn’t Code?
Sometimes people make assumptions about individuals with autism being great at coding. And while that is not uncommon, it is not a given that someone on the spectrum will take to that type of work. Individuals on the spectrum are just that, individuals.

Let’s Just Call it Out! I’m Autistic and Looking for a Job!
Being autistic certainly comes with it’s challenges, but sometimes it comes with it’s advantages as well. I hope we will one day live in a world where autism can be seen as a positive in the working world.

Could My Co-Worker be Autistic?
Is there any possibility that the quiet individual that doesn’t join in might be on the autism spectrum? Often the social aspect of the workplace is difficult for someone with ASD.

Giving Feedback To Your Autistic Employee
The giving and receiving of feedback can be difficult sometimes. But there are ways to make it easier. Let’s explore some of those ways!

3 ways to support neurodiversity in the workplace
Exploring 3 ways to support neurodiversity in the workplace. These include training, accommodations and flexibility and inclusive policies and practices.

Autism Advocate - what a great title
As advocates for inclusion, it's our responsibility to promote neurodiversity in the workplace. By raising awareness about autism, challenging stereotypes, and championing inclusive hiring practices, we can create a more equitable and welcoming environment for autistic individuals

What autism and employment look like in a perfect world
In a perfect world, autistic individuals are valued in the workplace. Inclusion and acceptance are the norm. Let’s all keep working towards a perfect world!

The game of clue office edition - all neurotypes welcome!
Non verbal cues can be hard for anyone to interpret, but they can be extremely difficult if you are on the autism spectrum and struggle with social cues. Clear and direct communication with autistic individuals will benefit them in the workplace.

The Change-Makers
Individuals with autism also fall into a marginalized group. They face stigmatization and discrimination. They have been excluded from employment opportunities, misunderstood, and subjected to harmful stereotypes. It’s time for change makers to make a difference for individuals on the spectrum seeking employment.

4 reasons why remote work is great for autistic employees
The ability to work remotely is huge for autistic individuals. Many issues can be overcome when the work environment is one where the individual can be comfortable and at ease. Flexibility allows individuals to thrive and contribute to the workplace in a productive manner.

Who is behind the keyboard?
Introducing Autism Insights Foundation. I am the Executive Director, unpaid blogger and Nana to a teenage granddaughter on the spectrum. Join me for this wild ride.

A letter to my granddaughter
A letter to my sweet girl so that she knows her value when she enters the workforce with an autism diagnosis.